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By Bill Kallay
Shia! Look out! Behind you! LaBeouf
plays Kale, a typical teenager who is placed under house arrest
after punching out his teacher. Being stuck in his house with
not much to do, he takes to spying on the neighbors. He spots
family turmoil, extramarital affairs, little punk kids who harass
him, and a killer who lives next door. Or is he a killer?
D.J. Caruso and writers Christopher B. Landon & Carl Ellsworth don't
try to break new ground with this thriller. And I don't
believe they need to. The audience they're aiming for probably
knows nothing about Hitchcock, and probably don't care. All
they want to do is see some minor PG-13 violence, get some of the
stuffing scared out of them, and maybe get a thrill over the light
sensuality in the film. The film's
mood is sinister, though I didn't feel super threatened.
Rogier Stoffers' cinematography has a lot of darkness. As with
a lot of suspense films, you ask yourself, "Will somebody jump out
at you?" You know something's going to scare you, and you
anticipate it a lot through the film.
The film
belongs to LaBeouf, who has proven to be a good actor in the past.
As Louis Stevens on "Even Stevens," he was intense and comedic at
the same time. In this movie, he plays a teenager with lots of
angst. What made me laugh was Kale's ingenuity of making his
house arrest more interesting by setting up a perimeter around his
yard. If he passed the perimeter, his ankle bracelet would
only allow him ten seconds to get back to his front yard.
LaBeouf, in most of the roles I've seen him in, puts himself into
his performances. The cast is
credible, with Carrie-Anne Moss, Sarah Roemer, David Morse and Aaron
Yoo supporting LaBeouf's teenage sleuthing. Since the
storyline seemed so familiar and played before in so many other
films, the cast works well with the material at hand. Bonus
features include commentary by the director, LaBeouf and Roemer,
deleted scenes, a making-of documentary, "Serial Pursuit" trivia
pop-up quiz, outtakes, a music video and photo gallery. If there was
a complaint about the film, besides the obvious Hitchcockian riffs,
was that the movie holds back. How? It could have done
better with an "R" rating. I'm no horror fan, and lots of
senseless gore turns me off. But "Disturbia" seemed like it
cut corners to get a "PG-13" rating. This isn't a
film to take too seriously. It's a light horror/suspense movie
that would be perfect for a slumber party.
Special thanks to Mac & Dinah McLean
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